Working with Care Nest Plymouth

Beyond Limits has been working with Care Nest for around a year now and our connection is going from strength to strength.

Coming out of the pandemic it was important to us to start reintroducing some face to face training sessions. We wanted to work with a local provider and with someone who had a similar value base and who understood the work we do. We were delighted to find Care Nest, they are a socially purposed organisation that delivers a range of wellbeing activities which includes team building and mindfulness.

As Beyond Limits continues to work on its agenda of self-direction, we are delighted to be working closely with Care Nest who are delivering sessions which look to build all the skills needed for self-direction.

We do our best work when we are able to slow down and reflect and Care Nest are working with individual teams to deliver key skills such as mindfulness, emotional intelligence, giving and receiving feedback and the impact of ourself on others.

The work is challenging at times as it looks to identify the barriers we all have when it comes to looking at ourselves, but the work is crucial if we want to grow and develop and reach our full potential.

For more information about Care Nest visit their website: