Beyond Limits Statement of Commitment to Safeguarding

Beyond Limits is committed to safeguarding the people we support from harm and abuse. We have a robust safeguarding framework with well-defined polices and procedures which outline our commitment to protecting the people who use our services. They cover various aspects, including reporting mechanisms, risk assessment and preventative measures and are available on request.

Our commitment to safeguarding extends to all staff members and we provide all our staff with training to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to recognise signs of harm and abuse.

In keeping with our person centred approach, our safeguarding efforts align with people’s unique needs, preferences and communication styles. Our person-centred approach ensures that protective measures are respectful and empowering.

Beyond Limits will not tolerate any form of inappropriate behaviour or conduct towards any of the people we support. This is a shared commitment and one that applies to all staff, regardless of position or status.

Nominated Safeguarding Lead

The legal responsibility for safeguarding rests with Doreen Kelly as Managing Director, therefore Doreen is the Nominated Safeguarding Lead (NSL) for Beyond Limits.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Although Doreen is the Nominated Safeguarding Lead, day-to-day lead responsibility for safeguarding rests with Kathleen Griffiths as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Kathleen is responsible for ensuring that the practice of Beyond Limits is safe and effective.