We have joined the Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone of any age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or background. Abusive behaviour includes: physical or sexual abuse, violent or threatening behaviour, emotional abuse, controlling or coercive behaviour, economic abuse, psychological, or other abuse.

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 makes clear that employers should consider the impact of domestic abuse on their employees as part of their duty of care. As a responsible employer, Beyond Limits are a member of the Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA) www.eida.org.uk and we are committed to their membership charter which includes fostering a safe, supportive and open environment to allow domestic abuse to be effectively tackled in the workplace and supporting employees who are affected by domestic abuse and those that report it by providing access to information and services.

Organisations that can provide support

If you or someone you know needs help there are several organisations that can provide support. You do not have to wait for an emergency situation to find help. If domestic abuse is happening to you, it’s important to tell someone and remember you’re not alone.

Advice and help for women experiencing domestic abuse.

I need help – information and support on domestic abuse (womensaid.org.uk)

The Survivor’s Handbook provides practical support and information for women experiencing domestic abuse.
The Survivor’s Handbook – Women’s Aid (womensaid.org.uk)

Men can contact the Men’s Advice Line on 0808 8010 327 or
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men | Men’s Advice Line UK (mensadviceline.org.uk)

If you identify as LGBT+ you can find information here
LGBTQ+ victims of domestic abuse – IDAS


Beyond Limits policy on modern slavery

Beyond Limits are committed to acting in an ethical and socially responsible manner and we are committed to actively contributing towards the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our safer recruitment procedures and people management processes are designed to ensure that all prospective employees are legally entitled to work in the UK. This helps to safeguard employees from any abuse or coercion.

For more information:

Visit The National Crime Agency pages on modern slavery and human trafficking.

Listen File on 4 investigates modern slavery in the UK workplace produced by Radio 4 (37 mins).

If you suspect modern slavery, report it to the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700 or the police on 101. Don’t leave it to someone else. Your information could save a life.

Stay Safe Online – protect yourself and the people you support from cyber-attacks

Cyber security might seem scary and complicated but it doesn’t have to be, it is really just about protecting the devices that we all use on a daily basis (smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers) and the services we access both at home and at work from theft or damage. We must make sure that we are protecting ourselves and the people we support  from cyber-attacks by following some simple rules.

Here’s a great video that helps you understand Cyber Security.

Limit your personal information

Not everyone needs to know your relationship status or your home address. You wouldn’t hand out personal information to strangers so don’t hand it out to millions online.

Here’s some Internet Privacy Tips from ‘TechSafety.org‘.

Be careful what you download

Criminals will try and trick you into downloading malware (malicious software) apps or programs that carry malware can steal your personal information. Do not download apps that look suspicious or come from a site you don’t trust.

Here’s a good guide to help you work out what’s safe to download produced by wikiHow.

Choose strong passwords

Select passwords that are harder for cybercriminals to demystify. A strong password is one that is unique and complex – at least 15 characters long, mixing letters and unique characters. Use a password manager tool to help you manage your passwords so you don’t forget them.

Read about what password managers offer in Wired magazine.

Here’s a link to a password generator, there are lots of others to choose from on the web.

Make online purchases from secure sites

Cybercriminals are keen to get their hands on your credit card and bank details. Only supply this information to sites that provide secure, encrypted connections. Always check that the address starts with https: (the S stands for secure) and look out for the padlock icon next to the address bar.

Keep your antivirus program up to date

It’s impossible to protect against every threat but internet security software will detect and remove most malware. Make sure it is up to date.

Keeping safe from loan sharks

What is a loan shark or illegal money lender

Illegal money lenders are also known as loan sharks.
Loan sharks are people who lend money without permission and are criminals.
Loan sharks can appear very friendly and helpful at first if you are having problems with your money. This is because they want to get you into debt.
If you cannot pay what you owe loan sharks will often threaten you with violence to make you give them money.

How to know if you’ve met a loan shark

The Illegal Money Lending Team have the following 4 questions to help you know if you have met a loan shark.
Question 1. Has someone lent you money at your door and are charging you a lot of interest?
Question 2. Have you been threatened when you couldn’t pay?
Question 3. Has someone taken your bankcard to look after until you have paid what you owe?
Question 4. Does the money you owe keep getting bigger even though you are making payments?

What to do if you have met a loan shark.

If you have answered yes to any of the questions you have been targeted by a loan shark.
You can call the Illegal Money Lending Team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 0300 555 2222 to make a report.
Talk to your local PCSO if you are worried or suspicious.
Phone 999 if you have been threatened or feel scared.
With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.

Mate crime – how to spot it

Below are some examples of a learning disability mate crime

Mate crime is when someone pretends to be your friend because they want to use or take advantage of you.
Mate crime is when someone borrows your mobile phone and uses up all your credit.
Mate crime is when your ‘mate’ comes round on the day you get your benefit money so you can go to the pub and buy him or her lots of drinks.
Mate crime is when your family members take money off you without asking you.
Mate crime is when your ‘friend’ takes you out in the car and then charges you £20 for taking you.
Mate crime is when your neighbours call you names each time they see you but always say they are ‘only joking’.
Mate crime is when friends send abusive (rude or threatening) emails or texts to you. This includes messages on Twitter and Facebook.
Mate crime is when your ‘mate’ comes to your place, stays a couple nights, eats all your food and drink and leaves you with nothing for the rest of the week.

What to do if you are a victim of mate crime

Tell someone you trust for example: your support worker, advocate or centre manager who will help you to call the police.
Call the police on 999 saying you think you have been a victim of learning disability mate crime.
Call your local safeguarding adults team.


Cornwall Adult Safeguarding: 0300 1234 131

Plymouth Adult Safeguarding: 01752 668000

Devon Adult Safeguarding: 0345 1551 007

Somerset Adult Safeguarding: 0300 123 2224

Talk to Stop Hate UK on free phone 0800 138 1625, they are open 24 hours a day.
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With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.


Attention! There may be drug dealing in your area

Devon and Cornwall Police know that drug dealing is happening in their area. If you use drugs or know someone who does we want to help you so that it stops.

Sometimes drug dealers take over people’s homes to supply or store drugs. They pretend they are friends but do not act like it. They may refuse to leave and invite other people to stay.
They may damage things in your home, threaten or hurt you.
Taking over someone’s home to use to sell drugs is called ‘Cuckooing’ – see our page about ‘Cuckooing’ and County Lines.

We want to stop dealers in this area and we need your help.

We want to work with you to keep you safe and you can talk to us in confidence. We will work with other services to help you.
If this has happened to you and you don’t tell the Police or your housing provider you could be breaking the law.
If you would like to talk to someone about this please contact your local officer. In an emergency please phone 999.
With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.

Information about Cuckooing and County Lines

What is Cuckooing?

Cuckooing is when someone you don’t know takes over your home and uses it as a place to sell, supply or store drugs.

What is County Lines?

County Lines is when drug dealers travel to different areas to sell drugs. This includes Devon and Cornwall. They use mobile phones to sell drugs and ‘cuckoo’ taking over people’s homes.

Things to look out for

Someone who stays in your home longer than you want them to. Someone who takes over your home and does what they want in your home.
Someone who threatens or hurts you or someone who invites other people to stay in your home without asking you.
Someone who pays bills for, offers you drugs or gives you gifts or cash or someone who sells, or supplies drugs from your home or stores them in your home. Sometime people even block off your doors so people can’t get in.

What to do to keep safe

Make sure your windows and doors are shut and locked and do not give your door key to anyone.
If someone tries to get in to your home and you don’t feel safe phone the Police on 999. Tell the Police it could be ‘Cuckooing’.
You should also tell your local Police Officer, Housing Officer, Doctor or Drug and Alcohol worker.

Where to get advice or help if you are worried

Talk to your local Police Officer or PCSO
Contact the Devon and Cornwall Victim Care Unit

Visit the Victim Care Unit website

Talk to your Doctor

For information about Drug and alcohol services

Talk to Frank – Honest information about drugs

Talk to Frank website

With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.

What to tell the police when calling 101 or 999

This page tells you when to phone 999 or 101 and what questions you will be asked.

Phoning 101 or 999

When you need help or advice about a crime or incident it is important that you phone the police.
If you are not in danger, are unsure what to do, want to contact your local PCSO or have lost or found something you can call 101.
You must phone 999 if the crime you have experienced has just happened or is happening now. This includes being threatened, assaulted or burgled.

Questions you will be asked

When you phone either 101 or 999 you will be asked lots of questions. This is so the police can make sure you get the right kind of help.
It is important to tell the operator:
If you are in danger, if you are alone, where you are calling from and who was involved.
What happened and when it happened.
Where it happened.

You also need to say

Your name and address.
Whether this has happened before.
How you are feeling and if anyone is with you
Whether you have any additional needs for example: a learning disability, are hard of hearing, use Makaton.
With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.

How to deal with cold callers

Keeping you safe in your home.

What is a cold caller

A cold caller is someone who comes to your door that you are not expecting. They can be men or women.
They will try to sell you something that you do not want or need.
Cold callers will be polite at first and will seem friendly. They might ask you how you are.
Do not give your personal details out to strangers on your door.
If in doubt keep them out!

Opening your door safely

When someone comes to your door it is important to remember the following things:
Look through a spyhole or window to see who is there.
Hold the bold as you open the door or put a chain across the door before you open it.
Always ask for I.D if you do not know the person.
Do not say you are alone.
Close the door if you are unsure or unhappy.

If cold callers become a worry or nuisance:

You can go into your local police station and show your safe place card.
You can tell your local PCSO.
You can dial 999 if you are threatened or abused.
You can phone 101 if they have left but you are upset.
With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.